Tyler, on a gray background, facing the camera and smiling in a headshot taken at Midwest UX 2018. He is wearing a yellow, black, and blue plaid button-up with a dark blue, waffle-knit cardigan on top.

Hi, I'm Tyler! 👋🏻

I’m creating better employee experiences at Twitter with research and design methods that put people at the center of product and service strategy.

Here's some recent work that I'm proud of.

Qualifying Life Events


Maintaining access to care during life-changing events is critical, but adding or removing dependents from your benefits plan isn’t the first thing on your mind when they happen. It should be easy to find out what you need to do, and then do it.

UX Design Course

Code Louisville

Co-creating and facilitating the program's first UX course using human-centered research and design methods with a mix of formal instruction, peer-to-peer learning, and primarily hands-on application.

2019 Annual Well-being Report


Designing and developing the annual data story about the progress on Humana's Associate Bold Goal, for the second time.

Let's build better experiences, together.

Reach out to me! I’m always happy to connect about employee experience, product and service strategy, and research and design.

Sometimes I’m available for mentoring, speaking, and freelance opportunities. If you’ve got something in mind, let me know!